On fire

The glowing embers in my soul have been fanned to life.

To say that I am excited about what is coming is an understatement. I have some clarity around what I want out of this life, and what I have to offer, and I now have the support necessary to bring it all together.

When I found felting in 2006 my little artistic heart just about burst out of my body. Here was this artform that allowed me to be painterly, create sculpture, and make functional pieces all at the same time (cue angel song… laaaaa!) Little mushrooms, landscapes, and stitched stones sprang from my hands. I connected with so many people and opportunities in those years in the woods with my giant pile of wool. As it does, life got complicated and I got worn out, and my interest strayed from felting. And while I still teach felting classes, make kits, or needle the occasional mushroom, it is a shift towards paper illustration that now has me jumping up and down inside. Pulling out the gelli plate and acrylics to print paper can get me in the “zone” almost instantly. Cutting up those beautiful papers makes me feel like I’m creating paintings with scissors. Paintings that are quirky and happy and full of nature. I’m entranced.

In the coming months I’ll be adding a monthly email newsletter sharing my journey, challenges, and successes. I’ll send out the occasional tutorial and news of fresh new work, as well as opportunities to connect with others in the arts. I have some fun new projects coming together that I cannot wait to share. I hope you’ll join me. If you want to get a jumpstart, you can sign up HERE.

p.s. the image here of the fiery furnace is a mobile glassblowing furnace. While my sweetheart and friends recently did glassblowing demos at the Crow Wing County Fair, I helped out by talking to people about the process and selling their work. I was rewarded with morning hot dogs cooked over this 2150° furnace (at record speed, I might add), and the joy of being around artists in their happy place.


A new project